Friday, November 18, 2022

Band aid. The whole 1099 system needs to be done away with. Taxes should be taken out of the payroll of the gig workers. Tipped employees don't necessarily get overtime so hours worked would mean nothing.

Worker's compensation needs to be payed by the employer/company hiring the gig workers.

If a gig worker slips and falls and injures themselves, the company pays nothing. There is no worker's comp at all. All expenses for the injury come out of the worker's pocket.

I don't think Unemployment Insurance should be on the table for gig workers. Too many part timers.

The gig thing is not worth it in the long run. You will destroy your vehicle. I put over 60K miles on my car this year doing the gig work.

Yes, that is a huge tax write off. But did you know that what you write off gets deducted from what you made and that amount is what counts towards Social Security retirement payments.

Make 50K write off 30K and only 20K counts towards Social Security.

The whole thing is a trap. Now you know why they pushed to make it easier for immigrants and minorities to get into it.

I know that I pushed for 20 years to leave me alone. I have my reasons for that.

The main reason is the psychotic assholes with the evoked potential weaponry. I literally want them and their weaponry destroyed.

The other reason, especially in these last years, was because I wanted to be here for my mother. She was there for me when the attacks and torture started.

My cats are my kids. I am not giving them up without a fight to the death.

The psychotic assholes still attack and torture me, but at least their crap is being exposed around the world. The media here is part of it, they are not likely to help end it.

My mother died on Sept. 23rd.

My cats are still alive.

Every time I turn around I get fucked out of my sources of income. I am done taking it.

I do not like living in Michigan. I can not afford to move. That will never change because here is where the torture started.

I will hate and I literally mean hate everyone that was involved in getting my life destroyed. That will never change.

I do not want a roommate. Period.

My cats have free run of the house/trailer and it will stay that way as long as I can make it so.

I am not going to play dating games. I fucking hated that shit before I was attacked and I am too fucking old for it now.

I do not drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes or marijuana anymore.

I have diabetes, type 2, which means no alcohol.

I quit smoking cigarettes 9+years ago so I could afford to adopt 2 of my cats that someone was going to abandon in the park here. I did not have a job then due to trying to stay away from the bullshit harassment here. I hate not being able to talk to anyone without ignorant pieces of shit turning it into me hitting on them.

You have no idea how bad that makes me want to end you right then and there. If you are interested then why don't you come out and say it instead of being a head game playing piece of worthless shit?

All those around that want to start the gossip of me talking to someone need to fucking die. You are more worthless than the head game players. Ignorant gossiping pieces of shit.

That same shit went on at Travelers Club when I worked there. then it stopped or at least wasn't as noticeable after I left there until William White and Jennifer Brooke showed up at Plum Crazy Sports Bar.

Then it started in there.


Those two pieces of shit then showed up at the Mayfair and the shit started all over fucking town back and forth from where I worked to where I lived.

I hate them and everyone associated with them.

I am not a celebrity. I do not want to be a celebrity. I fucking hate the spotlight. I fucking hate gossiping pop culture shit holes.

Now do you understand why I do not talk to people here, or are you still too stupid even when it is spelled out for you????????

If you would like to talk to me and I am not doing my job, say "Hi" or "Hello".

Ask people that knew me before you people did this shit to me and you will find out that I was a very nice guy, unless you fucked with me or my friends.

I did not know that the Travelers Club was a LGBT shit hole until after I worked there for awhile. I did not know that Tom and Steve were into cocaine and local organized crime until after I had worked there and been hanging out in there for awhile.

I did not know that the Mayfair was a criminal and LGBT bar.

I try to mind my own business. No one bothered to warn me.

I did not know that Sundance Chevrolet was related to Brian, or however you spell it, from East 5th Street Dayton. I figured it out after I saw him there and he looks just like the rest of that inbred family.

He never bothered to tell me.

If you are associated with any of those people, I do not want anything to do with you.

The assholes with the weaponry just put "If you ever go anywhere else, they will all kill you" in my head. My response was "Oh well, it is better than being stuck living here."

Here they go again with "You shouldn't have went to that one", "Why did you go to him/her" and various forms of that shit.

I did not go to anyone. That is the garbage here and/or whoever was listening in to my conversations doing it. They all need to die.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The assholes with the weaponry are trying to turn me into one of the Happy Zombie anti-depressant crowd.

Every single one of those anti-depressant drugs has a side effect of making the person taking them more susceptible to suggestion. That makes those people easier to control

They try to do that to all TIS. Every single one of those Happy Zombie drugs has a side effect of making those taking them more susceptible to suggestion and thusly easier to control.

If they can not do that then they try and get the TI to commit suicide.

If that fails then they try and get the TI to go on a killing spree, basically suicide by cop.

All of that is to discredit the TI. Anyway that they can discredit the TI lets them keep getting away with their plan of global mind control.

They want to keep the rich rich and then turn everyone else in basically slaves.

They have a network set up that remotely neural monitors every person inside its boundaries. Those maps that show cell phone coverage are pretty accurate only they can use the coverage areas of all the carriers combined.

They can basically use any radiation broadcast to piggy back their network on and have receivers set up all over the place.

Once everyone has been correlated they will literally be able to know what you are seeing, hearing or thinking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for your entire life.

If you have a good idea they will steal it and profit off of it. They will make you think that you are smart just not fast enough. You thought of the same thing that some rich person thought of, they just were able to CAPITALIZE on it.

If you think about anything that they do not want you to think about they will punish you.

The attacks are not fun, they hurt.

They can attack you in your sleep. They have garbage trying to convince you that vivid dreams are a good thing.

They have a whole system of misinformation aimed at getting you to think what they are doing is good or cool.

The politicians are their puppets. They get special perks for allowing the crap to continue. It is called corruption.

The mass media is the same way.

The entertainment industry is the same. If anyone in it speaks out then they get their perks taken away.

The nazis with the weaponry will kill people. They can use entrainment to make you fall asleep at the wheel.

They can convince others through using their weaponry to kill you, especially religious zealots.

Pretty much the entire militaries of every country are brainwashed by the nationalistic propaganda to protect the rich. Apparently the rich are what makes a nation secure?

You have to play their game or you will never get rich.

Too many people would rather be rich than be good people. You are a sell out to humanity.

The entire tech sector is part of Big Brother in some way. Especially those that benefit from gathering information about you to sell for advertising dollar.

The 'Cloud' is just more Big Brother bullshit. Your information is passing through multiple servers and each one is recording it or part of it. If your information is out there bouncing around it is easier to steal.

Secure servers are just that, more secure.

Start paying attention people. Much like climate change it is almost too late.