Wednesday, December 26, 2018

type 2 diabetes and the workplace

Why is it that every job I get or have gotten since I came back to work and I am up front in the interview that I have type 2 diabetes does exactly the fucking opposite of what you are supposed to do to keep your type 2 diabetes in check????

Get this through your fucking moronic heads you piece of shit assholes.

To keep type 2 diabetes in check the person with it is supposed to eat many small meals during the day. That means at work as well. These meals need to be regularly spaced and consistently eaten every day. There can be small fluctuations in the times that the meals occur, but not big ones or the blood sugar levels will get dangerously low.

You can not eat a big meal and say that it will last longer. That will cause major fluctuations in your blood sugar levels. That is not what you want. It will cause you to lose control of your type 2. You need to keep your blood sugar levels in a small range from top to bottom.

If you work somewhere where you sweat a lot on the job. You need to eat and to have access to water so that you do not get dehydrated. When you sweat a lot your blood sugar levels fall. A symptom of dangerously low blood sugar is sweating excessively without effort and dehydration. No access to water will make that much worse.

You need a consistent schedule. That should be for everyone so that you can keep a consistent sleep schedule. Sleep is very important when you have a disability like type 2 diabetes. Sleep is very important to your health if you do not have any disabilities. Companies that jerk you around from shift to shift or have you on call are not worth working for.

The people responsible for enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act need to seriously investigate the Lansing area.

The next time I tell someone up front in the interview that I have type 2 and they hire me and try to fuck me around in a way that I can not manage my type 2 I am going to get a gun and shoot someone.

I have had it with you fucking pieces of garbage.

A set schedule with set breaks, and I mean that plural not one lunch break in an 8 hour shift, is the easiest way to manage the type 2.

Next is a consistent start time and close to consistent ending time with extra breaks for a longer day. Think warehouse type jobs. That could be a route driving job as well where the stops are set. Think, beer routes, pop routes, potato chip routes, produce routes, restaurant supply routes, etc.

Delivery boy routes are acceptable as long as there is sufficient driving between stops to be able to eat when necessary. Liquids would be manageable as well. The day can not be so long that I run out of food or that it affects my ability to go home and get a good nights sleep.

This is a will not not a can not: I will not work my life away. If there is no work/life balance then there is no me. Fuck you and your company. I will not work in a sweat shop. If there is no ventilation then you can shove your building up your ass.

I can not work as a cook in restaurant. No time to eat or drink. Prep cook is possible, but line cook is not.

Unrelated to the type 2, I have Vertigo. I can go up, but I can not look straight down. Any wobbling of what I am on or in and its over.

I also have a problem with confined spaces. I had a CAT scan once and I will never go into one of those fucking tubes again in my life. The fucking assholes that designed those things need a good beating. So claustrophobia is a problem.

Because of the assholes with the radiation weaponry, I will not work with saws or other machinery where I could easily be injured severely.

There is a date when this will be posted and shared. I can see that at least someone is reading it. so if anyone is hiring me for the exact opposite of what I need to manage my diabetes or for some job where they are trying to make me do things that I have already written that I wont do. I am going to consider it part of the harassment and defend myself appropriately. 

If I find someone telling the idiots to do the above to fuck with me and start shit between me and whoever hires me I will hunt them down and kill their whole fucking family.

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