Monday, June 12, 2017

Dickhead neighbors

As I sat down to play Jeopardy with my 71 year old disabled mother tonight the next door neighbor and another guy from two doors down the other direction were outside working on the next door trailer. My windows were open and I could hear the guy from two doors down making snide ass little bitch comments about an angry neighbor.

A little history here. Twice in the past week the dog from two doors down, yes that asshole's, got loose and came over into my yard while I was watering my garden. I have spent a few hundred dollars over the years making raised gardens and putting in walkways and buying perennials for my garden. The dog, which is a pitbull or pitbull mix started getting excited and ran through some of the garden before the woman from two doors down came and got it.

It is a female dog and from what I can tell it is not vicious She apologized and the dog didn't have time to start digging. Not a big deal.

The very next night as I was watering the garden, the same dog got loose again and came over running around in the garden area. I yelled for them to come get their pitbull. My mother came outside and walked towards the garden area. I yelled at her to get back as she does not know the dog. She doesn't listen to me and came closer.

The dog having wrapped the line which was attached to its collar around my ankle started running to my mother. I got a lovely little rope burn and started yelling louder to get the dog. The dog jumped up on my mother and almost knocked her over as it was excited. If it had knocked her down it could have severely injured her.

About this time the asshole that owns the dog came around the front of the trailer between our trailers and I yelled explicitly that if the dog came over again I would call the pound. My mother went inside and called the park manager and he went over and talked to the people.

Somehow, now I am the bad guy because some pathetic little twit can't keep his dog under control and in his own yard.

Both the guy with the dog and the next door neighbor can kiss my ass and die for all I care.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Back belts

There are many articles out there that say that there is no scientific evidence that back belts help prevent injuries.

Back belts do help. What they do is hold or attempt to hold your body in a better posture position. They give support to your gut if you have one which takes strain off your lower back even when not working or exercising. If you are carrying a load in front of you the back belt will hold in your gut somewhat and force you to stand in a more correct position to lessen the strain on your lower back.

Back belts that go over your shoulders also tend to limit the amount of twisting that you can do while wearing them. They DO NOT completely stop you from twisting. If you lift things incorrectly you still will or might get injured, the belts just make it harder to lift improperly.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

ABC Warehouse delivery

I recently went to ABC Warehouse on S.Penn in Lansing, Michigan and purchased a mattress and box springs set. I paid extra for delivery/setup/haulaway. I took apart my old bed and had it sitting outside ready to be hauled away to make it easier for the delivery team. I had them leave the new mattress and box springs in my living room as I am capable of setting it up myself. again it makes it easier for the delivery guys.

After all that the asshole delivery team refused to take the old mattress and box springs giving me some bullshit about contaminating the rest of the load. There is nothing on the old ones to contaminate anything. We do not have any bugs in our house and I tend to keep it at least clean enough for company. They even had a big plastic bag to put both in because the new ones came together inside of one even though they were wrapped separately. The assholes just did not want to have to move them around as the day went on. There were 3 of them.

When I called ABC to complain they said they would call the drivers and then call me back. When they called back they said that the drivers were not going to come back and take the old mattress and box springs. The ABC person then stated that they have no control over the drivers as they are contractors. ABC needs to contract with someone else. These people were dirty and not professional looking. I will admit that the two helpers that carried the new set into the house were at least polite.

On the part of ABC, they said that they will mail me a 30 dollar rebate check.

Come on people run your own companies and make sure that things are done right.

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Super Bowl

I did not watch it. From what I have seen of the highlights though it seems that it was a pretty fucking good football game. Congrats to the Patriots.

It was, however, just a football game and actually offers little to nothing useful other than a few hours of distraction from the crap going on. Unless you are the government that is. The government uses the spectacle to push nationalistic propaganda. It would seem that the mass media has also decided to push religion in the entertainment shows with the lowlights from Lady Gaga.I should also mention the "getting used to seeing drones in the sky" conditioning.

Almost forgot. The Super Bowl also makes a lot of people a lot of money and not just those on the field. It tends to cost the masses while a select few profit, profit, profit.

Wow, religion, government and money the real axis of evil all rolled into one entertainment show.

The entertainment industry is part of the establishment. Fuck the establishment.

All the entertainment industry does is get rich off the stupidity of the masses throwing away their money on them.

This post will most likely be not popular with a lot of people, especially those that would like nothing more than to not have to do any real work and become rich. I don't care, because I think the world would be a better place without your kind of people.

If you check, you will find that there are no ads on my blog. I use my time on this blog, trying to get people to think and do not want any money for it.