Saturday, February 8, 2025

 A direct quote from Karl Marx was rejected by the sniveling little cunt censors at OpenWeb.

I want everyone that works for OpenWeb dead.



Sunday, February 2, 2025

 Anyone that works for OpenWeb or uses them to censor their online sites is fair game for execution. 

Saturday, February 1, 2025

  This is another example of what happens when you let woke little pussies write censorship programs. Fuck OpenWeb.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

 I can not think or say anything without the fucking nazi cunts with the weaponry putting some bullshit into my head.

I want the honor and the privilege of putting bullets into their fucking heads myself. 

Bring them to me with a gun and enough bullets to execute them all.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

 I am an atheist. There is no such thing as heaven or hell.

That said, if hell did exist the Lansing, Michigan area would be it for me.

Who is the idiot moron that set up the recipe cards at Mitchell's?

The system is so fucking stupid it isn't funny. 

They write up a prep list that is the name of the recipe 1, 2, 4 or 8 X.

There are either 1, 2 or 3 ingredient amount lists on the recipe cards. 

You can not assume that the first list is 1X. They don't do the first list batch size of some recipes so the second list is actually their 1X.

They have one recipe that is 1 1/2X for the batch size.

I literally have to ask for every single recipe what size batch that they are asking for on the prep list. It is fucking both aggravating and stupid.

The only one that even makes sense is the roasted yukons because they go by the pounds of potatoes.  the one recipe size calls for 5lbs. Anything on the prep list will be in 5lb increments so you just multiply everything in the recipe by however many times the 5lbs goes into the amount they want. 40lbs = 8X.

Make the fucking recipe pages with 2 batch sizes only. Small batch and large batch. Then write the prep list as 1X small or 2X small or 1X large or 4X large, etc. 

Make the measurements consistent. One of the recipes literally has 2 ingredients next to each other in different measurements but they come out the fucking same. Designate between liquid and weight measurements. 

Don't put 1 cup of diced onions and then 8oz of diced celery on the same fucking recipe card. They are both dry measurements. 

The kitchen prep area is so fucking stupidly laid out it isn't funny. I literally wash the measuring cups/spoons and containers used to get ingredients between every recipe or every other recipe because there are not enough not to. Rinse and run through the dish washing machine.

They make a carrot cake recipe that they have to use both of their stand mixers because they are so small.

They have a stove with 4 gas burners to cook the recipes that need cooked on it. they have one kettle for one of the soups and blanching vegetables.   

Their oven is a piece of shit that burns stuff on one side of the tray and leave the other side undone. I also leans to the left so liquids are not even. 

All that bullshit and they expect someone to be able to do 3 or 4 or 5 recipes at a time when they haven't even been there for a month?

Either they are just morons or they are trying to harass me into quitting because I am not a piece of shit Michigander. 

This state needs exposed and destroyed.

Another shit job in the Lansing, Michigan area. I truly fucking hate this place. 

Why in the fuck are you people like this? No where that I have ever been in my life is like this shit hole. 

Has the whole country turned into this bullshit? 

I do not do "whatever it takes". 

Mass immigration is a big part of the problem. Billionaires that can't get enough money are a big part of the problem. Idiots in general that worship the billionaires are pretty much the rest of the problem. 

I am not a chef. I do not want to be a chef. I do not want to be a sous chef. 

I am basically fucked out of jobs that I actually want to do because of the ass kissing, cunt bitch, useless nepotism and cronyism of this shit hole state. 

I like working by myself. I despise the whole 'can't be alone or stand near someone without talking to them' crowd. Go kill yourself the world will be a better place. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

The nazi cunts with the weaponry use "You don't like anyone here".

Why would I?

From day one you disgusting piece of shit in this town have been trying to force their sex, sex, sex bullshit on me.

I do not want to be part of your disgusting useless freak show here.

I hope some country concocts a STD that spreads fast, incubates for month then kills within a week. 

Should take out a lot of the fuck cult garbage.


Friday, January 3, 2025

 I said "Tell them not to kill me" when the cunts at WMMQ were pulling their shit with the radio broadcasts back when the torture got started.

They torture me trying to get me to kill myself. They even just put that in my head before I posted this. 

I would much rather kill them. 

They try to run my life into the ground. Anything and everything to fuck me over.


"They made you the sacrifice". Who? To who? I want them all dead.

The radio stations are part of the weaponry and in league with the putrid garbage known as the CIA. 

The weaponry is a by-product of MKUltra. 

Michigan State university worked with the CIA to start the Vietnam War. I am willing to bet that remnants from that collaboration are still here.

Expose and destroy it all. 

Here and everywhere.

Never ever trust anything that has ever been affiliated with the CIA. 

That includes their Cocaine Import Agency division. 

All drug dealers need to die. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Death to JMV 37 and any other gay John that they said they thought I was.


 I was not celibate when I moved to this shit hole. 

Because of the harassing garbage cunts and faggots here and the weaponry that they got me attacked with:


Now leave me alone.

 Quit pushing me at work. I am just doing my job. It is nothing more than that. If you keep pushing me or talking about me I will do my job somewhere else.

I am just Jim. Plain old Jim. That is all I want to be. If that is not good enough for you then fuck off, because I sure as fuck will not change to impress you or give a rat's ass if you like me or not. 

"Who is that guy over there?" "That is Jim leave him alone, he just comes in to do his job."

If you actually do need assistance with something and I can I will. It doesn't mean anything.

Fuck I hate this town.

Death to everyone in radio and television. They are all part of the weaponry. 

In fact, death to radio and television.

I am not going to stay on any job that does not have a set schedule. Fuck you with your flexible bullshit.

I have type 2 diabetes. I have to have a regiment. 

Spiking my blood sugar and then letting it run into the ground will cause me to end up on insulin. 

Fuck you, you and your company are not worth it.

I am not looking for a career. I want a job that pays the bills. I show up every day that I am scheduled and do my job. The more you leave me alone the better I like it. 

I would rather go in on 3rd shift and do the prep work by myself than be in there with a bunch of people. 

I do not fraternize with my co-workers. Basically I do not care if anyone is there or not.

Much the same as going to a bar to play video games or pinball. As long as my beer was full I could care less if anyone else was there or not. 

I fucking hate crowds. It isn't a joke. 

I fucking hate flake ass morons. 

I find extroverts very, very annoying unless they go talk to someone else. 

I am no longer a people person because of this shit hole of an area.  

I literally want to hate you fucking assholes that put me in the spotlight.

 The assholes with the weaponry started in with their "Small town feel" garbage and when I said "lave me the fuck out of your small town feel" they went back into the bullshit at Sundance from 2000.

I was trying to do my job and the ignorant cunt in the office said "Maybe you can get it to work Terra. He thinks you are cute". Terra replied "Leave me out of it".

Leave her out of what? What the fuck were these piece of shit assholes doing to my life?

Someone needs to put a gun to her head and find out. If she refuses to talk pull the fucking trigger. 

Death to that whole fucking family of inbred garbage.

Anyone and anything affiliated with that family legally or illegally needs to be shut down and wiped out of existence.

Eastwood Town Shopping Mall is as run down and dilapidated as Frandor. 

Both are old worn out buildings.

Both should be torn down and sold as individual lots for companies to build their own buildings. 

Do not drink the water in the buildings that have boiler rooms.

Look assholes. 

People here know that I am getting fucked over by the pin dick nazi cunts with the weaponry.

They try to use that to force me into shit that I do not want to do. If I do not do what they want then they fuck with me to get me fired.

I want them all dead. They deserve to die. They are garbage.

For the record, they would do that shit even if I wasn't being attacked and tortured with the weaponry because they are garbage.

That goes tenfold for the LGBT community of mid-Michigan.

I would greatly prefer a job that I just clock in do my work and then clock out and go home. 

You pay me and I show up and do my job well. 

The more that you allow other employees to affect my job the less that I want to work for you. 

I am being tortured by the government with their electromagnetic radiation weaponry. 

I really do not want to deal with assholes. I would rather just end them. 

Expose the weaponry and destroy it or I will continue to try and start a revolution against everything you fucking pieces of shit represent. 

Death to Gods, Guns, Gold, Gangs and Gays. Death to computer nerds.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Monogamy isn't about love. It is about trust. 

Love is moronic bullshit.

Trust is tantamount in a relationship. If I do not trust you, I do not want you in my house. I do not want you around my cats. I don't particularly even want to talk to you. 

Now do you get why I do not have anything to do with anyone?

Everyone that knows about what has been and is still being done to me and my life is untrustworthy. 

Who is the psychobabble piece of shit that came up with the Traitset test?

Why so many questions about social activities when it is a job application?

Work is work not a fucking daycare center.

 I hate the fucking useless hippy crowd. They are a big part of what turned this country into a shit hole.

Their "free love" bullshit morphed into an LGBT movement. Drugged out garbage wastes of space. 

There is more to life than sex. That whole crowd is about being addicted to the chemicals released in their brains when they experience whatever they consider pleasure. 

There is very little difference between them and the brainwashed religious idiots that are addicted to the same chemicals that get released in their religious activities. 

The mass media takes advantage of both with their shows and commercials, but especially pushing sex, sex, sex.


Kiddies, sex does not make you a grown-up.

 Death to all of your candy ass pussy bitch Devil bullshit along with your idiot ass inbred God bullshit.

Gods and Devils do not exist you fucking useless wastes of oxygen.

That does not mean that ethics and humanity do not exist. 

 I hope you all get STDs and die:

LGBT garbage.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

 I am 59 years old and have type 2 diabetes. 

I can not work for 9 hours without eating. I take a protein bar with me to work and take a 5 minute break to eat it. That is it. 

According to Michigan law, it is legal to work someone 8 hours without a break because the state does not mandate meal or rest breaks for adult employees, meaning employers are not required to provide breaks for workers over 18 years old;

More reason to wipe this shit hole of a state out of existence. 

Death to the state of Michigan. 

All politicians in this shit hole of a state are garbage pieces of bought and paid for shit.

 I would rather remain single and not having sex just to spite all of the garbage involved in the harassment and torture of me in this fucking shit hole of an area and those fucking cunts from east Dayton Ohio.

I just do not give a shit about sex. I did not before and I never fucking will. 

However, the harassment and torture resulting from it are reason enough to want all of you dead.


 Well congrats, you managed to burn me out on the job within the first few weeks.

Why the fuck is it so hard to get a real job with a real schedule in this asshole of an area?

I fucking hate whatever bullshit. I have always hated whatever bullshit and I always will hate whatever bullshit.

I want 2 days in a row off. I do not even give a shit which 2 days as long as one is a weekday. 

2 split apart days off sucks shit. 

I almost walked out tonight because they put someone working so close to me. 

Get it through your heads, I fucking hated working at the Travelers Club. I will hate working anywhere like it. 

I will never stop hating the ignorant cunts that worked in that place for not backing the fuck up off of me and spreading shit all over town about me. They and those they spread it to deserve to die. 

I go to work for a paycheck. All I want to do is clock in and do my job then clock out and go away from wherever I work. 

I will never party with anyone in this state. Period end of discussion.

I will never party at all with this fucking shit they hooked me to still there. My life is dedicated to their destruction.

If you cover up for them, you deserve to die with them. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

 People should not get fucked over at work because of useless losers and their bullshit holidays.

I fucking hate all of you for that shit alone.

Once again the nazi cunts with the evoked potential weaponry kept me awake all night with their attacks. 

I have to go in for at least 9 hours working with knives and hot stoves, pot and pans. 

In an overcrowded dump of a kitchen with no floor mats so it is slippery. 

This place is a cockroach infestation away from being the Travelers Club. 

If it were in Ohio it would be shut down by the health department. 

Unfortunately, Michigan is a corrupt shit hole where most government workers don't do their jobs. Emergency services excluded.

I am very skilled at customer service. 

It doesn't mean that I like you or dislike you. 

It means that I am doing my job. 

Fucking idiots. You just are not special.


I have tried and tried to get along with people, but I find them to be mostly just stupid wastes of space. I loathe, despise and detest the rat race.

The dumb fuck pieces of shit in it are conniving garbage that need to die. 

The useless asshole garbage that only wants money, money, money are worthless wastes of oxygen. 

The scumbags that brainwash people into cults are some of the lowest lifeforms on the planet. 

The criminal garbage that knows no decency should be exterminated. 

The wealthy that try to keep the status quo just to feed their egos need to die.

The world would be a better place without humans or at least the major portion of them. 

The sacks of shit that push compete, compete, compete because of their own fragility need to die. 

Quit trying to force me to interact with these lowlife pieces of shit or I will kill as many as I can. 

Cooperation simply means doing your fair share and getting your fair share. It does not mean being a hand holding coddling moron.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

 This is what I just sent to


Hello. One of your moderators is harassing me. I have a removed post that has been under review for almost a month. All it says is the word "Both". I had restrictions added to my account for that. I log in today while on restrictions and get a message that a post from July 20th 2024 has been removed. Some useless piece of garbage is trying to make it so that I can never post on Facebook again.

If I find out who is doing it I will go after them and everything that they are a part of.

Probably some LGBT asshole as I point out real science about the trans bullcrap.

I am sick of being harassed and will fight anyone and everyone doing it.

James Vierling


I log on to Facebook and get a message about a post from July 20th 2024 being removed?

When I find the piece of shit going through my posts I will kill your whole fucking family.

Death to the harassers.

Death to Facebook.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

I fucking hate this shit hole of an area. 

Every fucking job I have to either put up with idiots pushing LGBT bullshit or religious bullshit or both.

This shit hole should be exterminated.

They wonder why I hate working with anyone here.

Yesterday, I had to do stuff right next to an idiot that kept saying just follow God over and over. 


Just because I do not like the asshole gay brigade in this shit hole does not make me religious.

It makes me someone that does not like assholes.

Monday, December 23, 2024

 Most likely I will not be working where I am for very long.

I am a diabetic. I have to eat at regular intervals. 8 or 9 hour shifts with no food or breaks at all is not legal let alone doable for me.

I tried to fall back on my cooking experience since the garbage here has made so that I can not get a decent job doing what I want to do. 

I will find out who is telling people not to hire me or telling the ones with the shit jobs to hire me and when I do they will not ever do it to anyone again.

I do not want overtime. 40 hours.

I want 2 days off together. 

Once I get out of the restaurant industry this time, I have no intention of ever even eating at one again outside of pizza or fast food if needed. 

Everyone that inspects restaurants in this town should be shot.

 Fuck you and your religious bullshit holidays.

I am done being fucked around because you feeble minded idiot pieces of crap force your religious practices on everyone else. 

I may not have to take part in Christmas, but my life gets fucked around because of all the bullshit.

All holidays should be null and void.

 The fucking garbage behind what is being done to my life and every single piece of shit that follows their orders or helps them will die along with all of their families when I get the proof.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

So tell me how Yahoo or OpenWeb want any kind of discussion on the topic of tranny bullshit?



Friday, December 20, 2024

The fucking nazi pigs with the weaponry are constantly on their bullshit "Had to get you out of driving".  

Anything and everything that they can do to try and start shit. I want them all dead.

Death to the piece of cunt bitch United States for allowing this weaponry to exist. Death to every county that allows it to exist.

Death to all religions and every piece of shit in them.

 Death to e-commerce.

 I just read the so-called training manual from my new job. It was alright until they got into some bullshit certificates and pins crap. 

Blow smoke up someone else's ass as mine is exit only.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

15 years or more ago I wrote and posted online about how the griefers in video games were going to be republicans. 

I sent that letter to every single democrat Senator at the time. 

Try thinking pompous jackasses.

Looks like I am going to have to try and find either another part-time job to go with this one or just full time somewhere else.

Once again this shit hole has fucked me into this crap because I try to work, but am not going to put in 60 hours a week.

Useless fucking idiots in the workplace that have to socialize with each other. 

If I had the money to move with my stuff and most importantly my cats, I would not live in Michigan.

The pin dick nazis with the weaponry are on the "You'll have to get a fat one" bullshit again. 

They are referring to a fat woman.

I reply, "I would rather be dead than with a fat one".

I am not joking. I am fucking sick of anyone trying to get me into a relationship with anyone.

All busy body ignorant fucking pieces of shit need to fuck off and die.

I will never be happy as long as this weaponry is hooked to me. 

I do not want a roommate. 

Anyone trying to force me into that situation will die if I get the proof. 

If you know about the weaponry and you are not trying to expose and destroy it, you deserve to die with it.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

 Here is the situation that just passed on my job search. 

I applied for and went through two interviews for a job. They said that I was hired and that they would send the onboarding paperwork. They said give them a couple of days and check back if I did not get it. 

A couple of days passed and I went back in and talked to them and they sent me the onboarding paperwork that night. When we talked he said that after I filled out the paperwork he would call and set up an orientation date.

I filled out the paperwork at the end on the site it said my orientation would be Monday the 16th. That was Friday night before that.

Sunday afternoon I went back in to let them know that I had not received a call about a time to come in and they said that they would talk to the manager and call me Monday morning. 

I did not cancel any other interviews that I had set up because I do not trust anyone in this area. 

Monday morning came and went. I had interviews set up Monday early afternoon so I emailed the Kitchen Manager and told him that I would not be able to come in until later that evening if they wanted to set up my orientation.

I went to the first open interview and there was a sign on the door saying that they would be out until 3 pm.

I killed some time and went to my 2:30 interview.

We talked and he hired me. He set up my orientation for today. He sent me the paperwork within hours.

Who would you rather work for?

 As usual, I start a new job today so the nazi pigs with the weaponry did everything that they could to make it so that I could not sleep properly. 

Anyone that covers up for the weaponry and the chicken shit, griefer, pussy ass, little bitches that use it deserves to die with them. 

They will do everything that they can to fuck me out of this job as well.

Monday, December 16, 2024

 I would rather kill every criminal on the face of the Earth than be on of them.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

 Quit fucking trying to make me work on the west side of this area.

I said "NO".

Saturday, December 14, 2024

 Seriously, this is how fucking stupid AI really is. Tell me the difference:

 I tried to write a comment that in no way shape or form violates any of their community standards. It came back as rejected. I clicked to file an appeal and instantly that came back as rejected.

Death to everyone involved in their harassment and destruction of my life. Cunt ass bitch little computer nerds.

Friday, December 13, 2024

 2 comments went through and now back to the failed to publish bullshit. This shit if from some punk ass little pussy bitch griefer nerd getting their jollies. They need to be exposed and executed.

 This is how OpenWeb gets away with censorship from their site:

Through our platform and products we help facilitate a wide range of thought and discussion. We do not believe that toxicity, hostility, hate, violence or personal attacks bring us closer to making that vision a reality. 

Toxicity is subjective. 

They are cunts. (British definition.)

All companies that use OpenWeb need to be exposed and shut down.

Yet once again to prove the censorship and try to get these people dead. 

The full comment and the screenshot of the failed to post:

 Hey Musk, the biggest waste of taxpayers dollars is called the CIA.

 How does this comment violate and community standards?

The CEOs of Yahoo, Facebook and OpenWeb all need to be Luigied.

Story the comment was about.

 Think about all the religious run countries that punish people for speaking out against religion. 

How is making laws to punish people that speak out against and/or censoring speech about LGBT any fucking different?

Now you know why you lost the election and will lose many more, democrats. 

Disagreeing with something, especially when the science is on your side, is not hate speech. 

Eugenics is bullshit. It has been proven wrong many times. 

You can not change your gender. Your gender does not control your behavior unless you let it influence your decisions. 

Going after children and pushing this transgender bullshit should get you executed. 

You are just as bad as religions going after children to get them into their cults.They should be executed as well.

 You tell me, 3 out of 3 attempts to comment this morning have all met with "failed to publish" bullshit. I cleared my cache, closed my browser, logged out and back into Yahoo.

This is flat out censorship from Yahoo or OpenWeb and whoever is doing it needs to die. 

Apparently the left doesn't want any straight white atheist men that actually think.

The mass media can't handle my posts about ending the tax write off for advertising. 

I will continue to fight religion and everything else that is bullshit. Including the trans garbage.

 California should be nuked out of existence. Facebook and Yahoo and San Franqueersville are reason enough.

 Already this morning:

Death to the censors and death to AI.

Death to anyone and everyone trying to make me gay or bisexual.

I have never been either and I never will be.

Gross, disgusting bullshit.

Back off of me or I will kill all of you.

Fucking weirdos.

The LGBT community destroyed the democrats. 

Turned them into something even worse than religions. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024


More reason to exterminate the Internet.



Whoever is trying to make it look like I am involved with or support either the democrats or republicans needs to die.

I can not even give a thumbs up on Facebook for posting the word Both.

If I find the cunt that said it violated anything I will end them.

 Death to Ya-trans-hoo and Open-pride-Web:



 Whatever they have my online activity going through that keeps causing the "failed to publish" bullshit on Yahoo needs to be destroyed. 

I have posted her a few times that show even if I use cuss words that would get rejected the comment never gets that far. Something is causing it to fail to publish before that.

It may be more incompetence among programmers, it may be some piece of shit involved with the weaponry.

Either way it needs to be exposed and wiped out.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

 The nazi pin dicks with the weaponry are back on the bullshit about my initials. 

Fuck you my initials are JMV. Got them at birth.

Death to whoever they thought I was because of that.

Death to everyone with the last name Vanderpool.

 Death to every single piece of shit trying to make me gain weight in this fucking cunt hole of a country.

It is not a fucking game. Let me get the proof and I will kill you all. 

Garbage ass pieces of fucking shit.

Death to every sorry ass, chicken, pussy, little coward, nazi pig that hides behind radiation weaponry.

Got that mass cunt, bitch, pin dick media?

Death to AI and everyone that programs or pushes it.

 Tell me how this violates any community standards? Tried it twice to double check.

 In Review? Hasn't been reviewed yet. Facebook and everyone that works for it and Meta needs to be exterminated. No joke, I want Zuckercunt dead.

 The fucking nazi pigs with the weaponry like to use their bullshit "You'll die" whenever I say get this shit off of me or get me out of this weaponry.

I would rather die than be a part of their bullshit.

Anyone that wouldn't is a piece of shit that actually does deserve to die.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

 Open your fucking eyes idiots.

The Gays are pushing the transgender shit on kids saying that they are old enough to make that decision.

Next they will push if they are old enough for that then that are old enough to decide to have sex. 

This is a pedophile agenda. 

Stop the tranny bullshit completely and totally now. 

 Have you ever wondered why so many Internet companies are for the transgender bullshit?

It has been known since the early 1900s that radio frequency electromagnetic radiation broadcasts adversely affect the brains of mammals. 

Since then it has only gotten worse. 

These Internet companies make billions and billions of dollars from cell phones, wi-fi, satellites, etc.

Big brother monitoring of your whereabouts at all times through GPS and the advertising dollars that they get from corporations to do it.

Those broadcasts are what is causing the confusion. 

Predators like the gays are using that confusion to spread their bullshit. 

Do some fucking research.

Monday, December 9, 2024

 I don't want anything to do with anyone because everything that I have to do with anyone gets spread all over town by the assholes with the weaponry and the idiot ass gossip machine here.

I do not care if you are O.K. with that or not. I AM NOT O.K. WITH IT.


Sunday, December 8, 2024

They are trying to trap me into jobs that I do not want just to fuck me over again. Any job that I would accept through a staffing service will end up in me not getting hired. The people there will fuck with me trying to get me fired.

It seems to be the only thing these low IQ morons here know how to do.

 More memories.

1 year ago

I do not give a rat's ass if you like my posts or not.
If I am not getting hired because some piss ant, little candy ass wienie gets butt hurt over my posts that is just more reason to put them out of business.
I hate stupidity and bullshit.
I hate predators.
I will not stop fighting against religions, monetary systems or military industrial complexes.
I will not stop fighting against the insanity of the trans movement, especially when they turn it on children.
I will not stop fighting against corruption.
I will not stop pointing out that this country already has too fucking many people. If your country is worse then hear is a clue: quit breeding.
My cats are my children. I have no human children nor do I want any human children.
I will not stop fighting against forcing sex and fraternization in the workplace. That is illegal.
I hate criminals, especially the ones that act like they are good guys.
I will not stop fighting against pseudoscience. I will keep debunking as much bullshit as I can.
I was that way before this shit and I will be that way until I die.
I do not want to be part of the entertainment industry. I don't like the kind of people that fame attracts.


2 years ago

Another reason why so many actual men are fed up with working is because of all the pieces of shit that have turned the workplace into a social butterfly ass kissing shit hole.
Death to PC bullshit.
Shut the fuck up and do your job.
Get rid of the computer bullshit. No one should have to kill themselves either.
3 years ago
I saw a Ford Focus out there this afternoon with a black front bumper that looked like the one that I used to have.
Really. if it is that one the finance guy lied to me again. He said his brother didn't have any money and lowballed me into what he paid. How did he get it fixed so fast then?
Edwin at Crippen Mazda is a scamming wienie.
I want a federal investigation into why the car was only given a $500 trade in value and then the finance guy tried to buy it for less than it was worth.
That seems pretty unethical.
I had every receipt from every bit of work done to that car with me when I went out there. No one asked about anything. The guy drove it around the building and then parked it. Blue book trade value is over $3000.
Where I saw the car was in Okemos where I try to work from.
Going to be even more pissed if he is using it to get orders from where I work.
I hate people that call you "brother" when they don't even know you.
I got a contract violation from Doordash tonight.
I was on a delivery from Grubhb when they sent me an offer to go from the mall in Okemos to Frandor shopping center.It should not have been that much of a problem, but the shit light timing and the bullshit traffic around the mall and all the fucking way down Saginaw made me 16 minutes late for the pick up.
Never mind that I got the ready for pick up when it was already more than 5 minutes late.
After I picked it up it had a deliver by time that I beat by 5 minutes.
Gee I wonder why gig workers have to drive fast? (rhetorical)
This whole area is full of 2 lane roads, 1 lane each direction. All it takes is one asshole that is afraid to drive or can't drive and everyone behind them gets screwed over.
You can't pass them because there is either too much traffic coming the other way or it is a no passing zone.
They even turned what used to be 2 lanes in each direction into 1 lane each direction, a turn lane in the middle and bicycle lanes on both sides.
You can shove your bicycle lanes up your asses. Too many Michiganders have drunk driving charges and are not allowed to drive anymore.
Instead of putting the schools in the neighborhoods away from the main roads, they put them right on the main roads and made them 25mph.
They ran the main highway right between Michigan State University an all the restaurants and shops built for them to walk to. Also 25 mph with about 6 or 7 fucking red lights.
The middle of the area has a stupid fucking pompous shit hole called the Capitol building right in the fucking way.
Not mention a huge GM plant just south of the downtown area.
The whole fucking Frandor area is a nightmare of intersections with US127 which is basically a freeway.
The other side of town is one main drag called Saginaw. left turns out of a business onto Saginaw are a fucking nightmare because of so much traffic. It does however have a non-retarded speed limit.
(Fuck you look up the definition of retarded it means slowed down.)
If you have to go south of Saginaw you have to drive to one of the few bridges over the Grand river.
Now picture all of that with shit roads and tons of construction.
Seriously, they are still doing construction in Michigan in December.
Now add to that packing in 70,000 extra "people" associated with Michigan State University.
You computer people need to stick all that in your algorithms and then in your asses.
Your AIs are morons. They all have reasons for turning down offers or unassigning deliveries. Yet it does not matter how many times you use the same reason at the same restaurant, they will just keep sending you back.
The whole premise that they hire you on is that you can work WHERE YOU WANT TO, WHEN YOU WANT YOU.
Only one of them is correct on that. The others have programs to limit your ability to work or the amount of offers that you get if you turn down too many.
All of them put too many drivers out there so that they make money off the orders getting picked up or ordered through them. It is almost impossible to make decent money using just one of them.
This shit hole of an area just makes it worse.
5 years ago
The garbage that did this shit to me made it so that no matter where i go I will be tortured and fucked over by their pussy ass little chicken shit garbage minion gang stalking worthless pieces of shit. That would include the garbage that works in radio and television.
So I am stuck in this shit hole and get fucked over by the assholes in the ol' boy network here.
Anyone that pushes this weaponry or that helps harass those being attacked by it needs to and deserves to die.

I look through the job ads and apply to what I can. As I do this the assholes with the weaponry keep using the "We'll make you commute" type shit along with the "That guy said everyone is doing it now-a-days".
I can not commute. The fucking garbage nazi pigs with the radiation weaponry do not let me sleep properly.
Commuting would simply add more time of my day being used up for work. I would basically be able to do nothing except eat and try and get some sleep after work and I still have to get up early enough to make my lunch as I have type 2 Diabetes.
I do not live my life just to work. Anyone that does is either an insane piece of crap, an idiot or just one of the sheeple.
Fuck that bullshit and the system that condones or pushes it.
Death to every single piece of shit that took part in the harassment, torture, gang stalking and destruction of my life.