Friday, April 28, 2023

I have posted about not wanting to work 2nd shift. I have posted about not wanting to work long hour days.

I have posted about not wanting part time jobs.

I have posted about not wanting to be on call or at someone's beck and call. 

I have posted about not wanting to clean up other's messes.

The fucking garbage here have stuck me in a job that is all of those and I want everyone here that is involved dead. 

I will find the scum running this shit and when I do I will kill them or they will kill me.



Saturday, April 15, 2023

Friday, April 7, 2023

Facebook sent me a warning saying that this post may violate their community standards. How it is one hundred percent pointing out legal means of dealing with assholes.

The post in question:

Everyone involved in the remote neural monitoring, attacks and torture with the evoked potential weaponry, (including the assholes that get information from those doing it to harass the people getting attacked and tortured) deserves to be tried for crimes against humanity and executed.

If I get restricted for a post that points out legally dealing with the attackers, I am seriously thinki9ng about going to California just to slaughter everyone at fucking piece of shit Facebook. 

Fuck bleeding heart bullshit California. 


Saturday, April 1, 2023

Have to post this here as the pussies at Facebook would ban me.

I will find out who keeps putting me in jobs that I know I do not want. I have posted here and Facebook explicitly that I do not want shit like that.

Current job aside, but it doesn't pay the bills and the person that told them to hire me knows it.

Keep fucking around. I will find those responsible and when I do I will eliminate your entire piece of shit families. 

Death to everyone involved in getting this fucking weaponry used on me.