The following post was flagged by the worthless pieces of shit at Facebook as violating community standards against inciting violence. Where the fuck does it incite anyone to get violent??
Facebook moderators are useless PC garbage. Most likely the post was reported by a Karen.
Here is the post:
Why don't you just leave?
First off, because I can't guarantee a safe place for my cats and I would rather kill the whole human race than give them up.
Secondly, my mother can not live by herself, so if I just left she would be dead sooner rather than later.
I have left where i lived numerous times in my life. I have moved to places where I knew people and to places where I did not know anyone.
I am not a feeble little piece of candy ass shit that can not be by themself.
When I was 18, I went in the Navy all by myself. Military life is horseshit by the way.
I moved from Michigan in 1989 to Florida, all by myself.
I have moved to different neighborhoods within the Greater Dayton area many times. Living by myself.
The differences were my cats and my elderly mother, but also I didn't have this fucking nazi cunt weaponry being used on me.
Torturing me and affecting the people around me who are too stupid to get that it is being used on them.
I will never stop wanting everyone that uses, produces, funds or covers up for the weaponry and their asshole families dead.
I would consider it both an honor and a privilege to execute the pieces of shit that hooked it to me.