Friday, September 11, 2020

 Three times today I got screwed around by road construction bullshit. All them them require at least a mile and 1/2 detour to get around the crap and some you have to go back the way you had to detour because of the lack of other roads.

Once again Meridian road is closed just south of Jolly. The only way to get to stops south of Jolly is to go Every to Button to Meridian. The bridge on Meridian over I96  south of those stops has been closed for months. The road that is closed is open for a week or two then closed again without any notices.

They have been putting in some stupid sub-division off Powell road for awhile now and have opened then closed Powell road for the whole time. To get to Powell road you have to enter off of Tihart, The road turns from paved to gravel and you can drive up it around the road close signs for about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile. That is where the stops are. Then you have to turn around and go all the way back to Tihart.

I had an altercation with some road construction assholes today. For some reason the pieces of shit think that they can just open and close roads whenever they feel like it without any notice to anyone.
Bullshit. So I gave them the same "Fuck you" that they give everyone else when they do it without notice.

Not to mention that where they had the road closed has been closed to the bridge for over a month as they milk it for more money. I had to turn the other way which has been open for over a month.
There were two assholes working there. A woman and a man.

As I approached them the woman started making a turn around signal which I ignored and kept coming because I had been using the road to the south for over a month. When I got closer and pointed that I had to go that way she started shaking her head and kept doing the turn around sign.

I said why can't I go that way there is nothing there referring to road equipment. She said something about "we are surfacing or sealing or some shit today."

I was rather irate at this point.

I stated it was bullshit and told them "get your fucking work done."

I got back in my truck. The male put his arms up in the bring it position and I got out of my truck and told if if he wants it I got something for him.

The woamn got her phone out and started filming so I gave her something to film and shot them the double bird.

After I started pointing out the bullshit they pull with willy-nilly road closures the woman started playing the victim and said "Why are you yelling at me?" Typical Michigan PC bullshit.

I got in my truck and started backing up the road as it is pretty hard to turn a FedEx truck around on a two lane country road with very little shoulder.

The woman  kept filming as I backed away.

The male decided to get in his truck and drive up the road after me. I had to back up about a 1/4 mile or more to get to a driveway to turn around in. As I pulled into the driveway the male stopped in the road behind me to take a picture of my license plate.

He did the bring it arm thing again and I got out of my truck again.

He moved forward and I backed out of the driveway to go the other way.. He went about 100 feet up the road and stopped to tell someone else going that way that the road was closed. He didn't look happy about it either.

After they moved the male pulled over and I passed him. He then decided to follow me. He followed me further back down Stillman. He followed me after I turned south on Every. He followed me after I turned east again on Willoughby.

I was originally going east on Stillman to go south on Meridian to go to Willoughby as the next stop was very close to Meridian.

These are country roads and they are not exactly close together.

As I slowed and turned into the driveway I had to go to on Willoughby the male slowed down at the end of the driveway then kept going as there was more traffic behind him.

Whether you work for the government or a contractor, when you say fuck you to everyone and close down roads without notice and no emergency not everyone is going to take your bullshit lying down.

Quit milking the jobs and get the fucking work done.

To the taxpayers: Every cent that these useless turds milk is coming out of taxes regardless of who they work for. Those taxes could be used to fix more roads in a timely fashion.

When they close roads they also might make it so that someone does not get their medicine delivery. They may make it so that perishable food can not be delivered.

Either notify in advance of rod closures so people can plan around it or screw you get what you deserve.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Facebook assholes blocked this

The assholes at Facebook blocked this post because they say that I am harassing or bullying someone.

The world would be a better place without Facebook.

"What seems to be a recurring theme of fucking me over/around in this shit hole area is someone quitting their job or saying that they are leaving then I get hired in and they change their mind so I get fucked over. If it happens again I am going to kill everyone in the place. Starting all the way back at Plum Crazy sports bar, you know the one owned by cocaine and mafia people, I was hired in as a full time cook. I was doing fine, but all of the sudden the asshole MSU students came back to school and I had no hours. I got no notice, nor did anyone ever say anything about it. So someone trying to make a living gets screwed so the turds can come back and have their little party/fuck cult place. (Tom and Steve are assholes that really, really need to die.) After I got fucked out of my route driving job at Walters Vending I went to work for Mid City Produce. I was told that I was getting hired to replace the driver that was leaving to go to school or something like that. After a couple of weeks the other driver changes his mind and I get fucked around. More recently, I exchanged emails with the woman that owns the FedEx contractor that I went to work for and she consistently told me that she was putting me on the Dansville route which was somewhat rural. The first day at work her manager says there was a change of plans because another driver decided not to leave or that his other business wasn't working out so I got shifted to the bullshit Okemos route. I would not have left APCO for the Okemos route, although I would have left because of the sporadic hours and getting fucked over with having a route area. Got bounced around when first hired as low man. Two more people got hired after me and got better runs and one got an assigned route. Now at my current job there is no warehouse work. They did not need to hire another counter person, but a guy that left before I was hired came back. I hate this fucking bullshit cronyism shit hole of an area. These people will tell you anything to get what they need at the time and then not give a shit. Death to the PC bullshit. Which means "fuck you republicans and establishment democrats." I will never stop wanting every single piece of shit involved in the harassment and destruction of my life dead. It would be wonderful if your whole fucking families died with you."

Apparently pointing out harassment is now considered harassment in this pathetic sack of shit PC coward bullshit world. 

Die candy ass PC pussies, die.